My story as a consultant
Below you can read more in depth about my experiences as a consultant:
Department of Sport Sciences and Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark (1984-1994)
Ass. Professor – Teaching, research and dissemination in Sports sociology, Methodology in Sport science and Team sports. Head of department and member of the Faculty of Health Sciences. Books and scientific articles about sports, especially about children, youth and sport. Lectures and presentations at seminars, conferences and congress, both in Denmark and international –
Sports Academy of North Denmark (1994-2002)
Principal – Management, administration, education and development of one of Denmark’s largest sports academies with 30 employees and 120 students. Collaboration with DIF, DGI, federations, clubs and educational institutions. Annual turnover: 16-18 mio. DKK –
University College of Health Education, North Denmark (2002-2006)
CEO – Professional, economic and administrative management and development of a regional education and research center with 160 employees and 1,800 students with five study programs (nurse, physiotherapist, occupational therapist, radiographer and midwife), education activities and research in collaboration with Aalborg University, University of Southern Denmark and Aalborg University Hospital. Annual turnover: 100-110 million. kr. –
Team Denmark (2006-2014)
CEO – Professional, economic and administrative management and development of public, independent institution with the aim of developing Danish elite sports. Accredited at 4 Olympic Games: Beijing 2008, Vancouver 2010, London 2012 and Sochi 2014 as well as a large number of World Championships and European Championships in sports, which have partner agreements with Team Denmark. Management of 35-40 employees with 12-14 different professions (doctors, physiotherapists, dieticians, training physiologists, sports psychologists, consultants, journalists, secretaries, etc.) Annual turnover: 140-150 million DKK –
Consultancy (2015 – )
Consultancy – Lectures, seminars, analysis and personal advice and coaching for public institutions, municipalities, private companies and organizations, including Danish School Sport and “Scandinavian Network for Elite Sport”. Consultant and Advisor for High Performance Unit, Finnish Olympic Committee. Co-Editor of “Idrott & Kunskap – a Nordic magazine of sports and science” –